Short Articles


Letter to the Editor Wall Street Journal about Recusal

July 16, 2024

Privatizing the Kotel (Article about my work in this area and not by me) in Makor Rishon, June 21, 2024

July 1, 2024

June 2, 2024

Accommodation is Still the Better Path

The Jewish Press
February 15, 2023

Jewish Law and International Law

University of Antwerp
February 1, 2023

Accommodation is the Way Forward in America

The Jewish Press
January 11, 2023

Examining a Controversial Heter: A Woman Converted as an Infant Marrying a Kohen— The Novel Approach of Rabbi Ephraim Greenblatt (Rivevos Efraim)

Hakirah 33:159-199 (2023)
January 1, 2023

Jewish Law Invites Complex Questions On Abortion by Nomi Kaltmann

Religion Unplugged [This article is written by Nomi Kaltmann, and is extensively about my views on abortions.]
September 22, 2022

Opinion: Marriage equality laws and Roe’s reversal

Atlanta Journal Constitution
July 7, 2022

my response

The Lehrhaus
June 28, 2022

Jews and Abortion in Secular Law

The Jewish Press, page 6
May 10, 2022

Amicus Letter to the California Supreme Court in Chrissie Carnell Bixler v. Church of Scientology International, et al. Case No. 9STCV29458​

April 1, 2022

Jews Law’s COVID Responsa

Presented at "Judaism and Public Health: Living in the Shadow of Pademics", Arizona State University
March 27, 2022

Interview in Law and Religion

The Anglo-American Lawyer, pages 19-23
March 21, 2022

Faith Can Not Abrogate Contracts

Wall Street Journal
January 26, 2022

נישואי כהן עם גיורת מאימוצה בינקותה

Techumin 42:385-393 (2022)
January 1, 2022

Halloween in Jewish Law: Religious and Cultural Transformation

Canopy Forum
December 15, 2021

Self Defense in the Jewish Traditions

The Jewish Press
December 1, 2021

NetFlix: Happy Hate Speech Spreader?

The GlobePost
October 26, 2021

Memorial Day in America and Yom Hazikaron in Israel

Chag Mitzion (Bet El Books)
August 21, 2021

SCOTUS: Religious freedom during a pandemic

Emory Supreme Court Review
July 26, 2021

Gun control, Letters to the Editor

New York Times
March 25, 2021

Can Robots be Jewish and Other Pressing Question of Modern Jewish Life

Momement Press, 2020) pages 113-114. (editor, Amy Schwartz)
December 22, 2020

The Case for Ginsburg to Recuse Herself

Wall Street Journal
March 4, 2020

Privatizing the Temple Mount (Haram es-Sharif) and the Western Wall (Kotel)

Journal of Law, Religion and State (Brill, 2020) 23-47.
January 1, 2020

The First Amendment and Courts Interpreting Religious Terms

The Volokh Conspiracy (A Law Professor Blog moderated by Eugene Voloch)
November 1, 2019

Discrimination isn’t Good For the Jews

The Jewish Press
August 1, 2019

Choice of Law and Forum

Fulbright Magazine, Summer, 2019
July 1, 2019

Religious Edicts, Secular Law and the Family

Journal of Law and Religion 34:496-505 (2019)
January 1, 2019

Six Steps for Dealing with Abuse Scandals

The New York Jewish Week
February 27, 2018

רבניות אורתודוקסיות ומורות הלכה: בין הזמני לנצחי (Orthodox Women Rabbis: Between the Timely and the Timeless)

Published in: Tzohar: Torah Journal of Society, Family, Religion, and State 43 (2018), 37–60.
January 1, 2018

Op-Ed: The Moral Debate Over Statues

New York Times
September 8, 2017

Sharia in America

The Washington Post
June 30, 2017

Criticisms of Religious Arbitration

The Washington Post
June 29, 2017

The Rise and Rise of Religious Arbitration

The Washington Post
June 26, 2017

Making Religious Arbitration Work in America: The Jewish Experience

The Washington Post
June 26, 2017

Were Trump’s Syrian Missile Strikes Morally Justified?
April 13, 2017

Letter to the Editor

The New York Times
December 1, 2016

Transgender Bathroom Issue: A Solution? (October 28, 2016).
October 28, 2016

On Conversion, The True Issue Is Standards

The New York Jewish Week
August 2, 2016

A Jewish Solution on Transgender Bathrooms

The New York Jewish Week (June 28, 2016). (co-author: Amy D. Katz).
June 28, 2016

Why We Shouldn’t Force Hasidic Jews to Offer Secular Education

The Forward. (co-author: Yitzchak Adlerstein).
June 15, 2016

Letter to the Editor

The New York Times (March 12, 2016).
March 12, 2016

Here’s Who Should Replace Antonin Scalia (February 22, 2016).
February 22, 2016

​Religious Liberty Versus Legislative Morality: Thoughts on the Supreme Court’s Recent Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

The Jewish Press
August 14, 2015

Religious Freedom, Metzitzah B’Peh, Circumcision

The Jewish Press (September 4, 2014)
September 4, 2014

Long-Term Solution to the Money Problems of Parochial Schools: Government Funding

HaYidion: The PRIZMAH Journal (Winter 2014), 66–7.
January 1, 2014

Review of Holy War in Judaism: The Fall and Rise of a Controversial Idea

Journal of Church and State 56:1 (Winter 2014), 159–62. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
January 1, 2014

Response to Reader for the Orthodox Jewish Psychotherapist 

Reader for the Orthodox Jewish Psychotherapist (2014), 111–3.
January 1, 2014

Evangelicals and Catholics Together on Law: Some Personal and Jewish Reflections

Journal of Christian Legal Thought 3:2 (Fall 2013), 6–10.
October 21, 2013

The Multifarious Models for Jewish Marriage

AJS Perspectives: The Magazine of the Association for Jewish Studies (Spring 2013), 52–3.
April 1, 2013

Parsonage Problems: The Ethics of Taxation

Looking Forward (Official Journal of the Aspen Center for Social Values) 1:2 (March 2014), 7–11.
March 1, 2013

A Student Remembers Justice Menachem Elon

The Jewish Press (2013)
February 20, 2013

Žižek, ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ and Torture

Huffington Post (2013)
February 5, 2013

Jerusalem, in Love and War

10 Inspiring Articles Celebrating Yom Yerushalayim, Naphtali Weisz & Moshe Rothchild, eds., Teach for Israel (2012), 20–2. (co-author: Mark Goldfeder).
August 21, 2012

Learning Law Young: What Happens When Schools Teach (Jewish) Law

HaYidion: The RAVSAK Journal (Winter 2012), 56–8. (co-author: Ira Bedzow).
January 1, 2012

Religious Freedom Has Limits, For Good Reason

The Jewish Week
January 1, 2012

​Dealing with the Agunah Quandary for 9/11 Widows

The Jewish Press (2011). (co-author: Rabbi Yona Reiss).
September 7, 2011

Review of Levirate Marriage and the Family in Ancient Judaism

Midwest Jewish Studies Association – Shofar Book Reviews (2010).
August 21, 2010

Homosexuality and Halacha: Five Critical Points

The Jewish Press (2010)
March 17, 2010

Cloning People

Jewish Ideas Daily
January 1, 2010

In War and Peace

Jewish Ideas Daily
January 1, 2010

A Father’s Pride and Joy

Viewpoint: National Council of Young Israel
August 20, 2009

Orthodox Women Clergy?

The Jewish Press
July 23, 2009

Religious Leadership and Political Leadership

Chavrusa: Rabbinic Alumni Journal of Yeshiva University (Spring 2009), 17.
April 1, 2009

Feb. 28, 1997: The Day Joe Lieberman Lost The Presidency?

The Jewish Press
February 25, 2009

How Kosher is Kosher

National Catholic Reporter Online (February 24, 2009).
February 24, 2009

National and International Law, and Jewish Law

Jewish Ideas Daily
February 1, 2009

Hekhsher Tzedek’s Law Problem

The Forward
September 25, 2008

Letter to the Editor: Meat Packing and Jewish Law

The New York Times
August 12, 2008

There Can Only Be One Law of the Land

The Forward
February 20, 2008

Op-Ed: After Annapolis – Thoughts about the Role of American Orthodox Jews

The Jewish Press (December 7, 2007), 4. (co-author: Yitzchok Adlerstein).
December 7, 2007

Sharia Courts in America?

November 7, 2007

The End of Conservative Judaism

The Jewish Week (February 9, 2007), 23.
February 9, 2007

Practical Pluralism

The Jewish Press
January 5, 2007

Truth-Seeking as the Mission

Zev Nagel and Menachem Butler, eds., My Yeshiva College: 75 Years of Memories, New York: Yashar Books (2006), 325–7.
August 21, 2006

Jewish Law and Torture

The Jewish Week
July 7, 2006

Memorial Day Loses Meaning

Atlanta Journal-Constitution (May 29, 2006), A17.
May 29, 2006

Filtering Out Religion a Recipe for Blandness

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, B1.
January 22, 2006

Defund Terrorists

National Law Journal (2006)
January 1, 2006

Full Time Yeshiva Learning: An Exchange

The Jewish Press, 68
August 3, 2005

Can There be Solutions to the Agunah Problem

JOFA Journal 5:4 (2005), 8-9.
January 1, 2005

Court is Clear: Displays Shall Not Advance Religion

Fulton County Daily Reporter (2005)
January 1, 2005

Damned If You Do…

National Law Journal (2005)
January 1, 2005

Letter to a Friend about Modern Orthodoxy

The Jewish Press (2005)
January 1, 2005


The Jewish Press
January 1, 2005

A Letter to a Friend about Modern Orthodoxy

Gevurah ve-Tif'eret: An Anthology of Essays in Honor of Michael and Channah Broyde, Atlanta, Georgia: Young Israel of Toco Hills (2005), 221–6.
January 1, 2005

Prayer for the State of Israel: Why Do We Say It and What Does It Mean?

Gevurah ve-Tif'eret: An Anthology of Essays in Honor of Michael and Channah Broyde, Atlanta, Georgia: Young Israel of Toco Hills (2005), 227–34.
January 1, 2005

The Parameters of the Mechitza in the Young Israel of Toco Hills: A Review of the Relevant Issues

Gevurah ve-Tif'eret: An Anthology of Essays in Honor of Michael and Channah Broyde, Atlanta, Georgia: Young Israel of Toco Hills (2005), 235–40.
January 1, 2005

A Statement on the Peace Process in Israel

Gevurah ve-Tif'eret: An Anthology of Essays in Honor of Michael and Channah Broyde, Atlanta, Georgia: Young Israel of Toco Hills (2005), 241–2.
January 1, 2005

“He Leaves and Cries; They Leave and Cry”: Schisms and Hatred in Judaism and How to Prevent Them

Gevurah ve-Tif'eret: An Anthology of Essays in Honor of Michael and Channah Broyde, Atlanta, Georgia: Young Israel of Toco Hills (2005), 243–7.
January 1, 2005

Adoption Generally, and Closed Adoption Specifically in Jewish Law

Chadashot: Bulletin of the Chicago Rabbinical Council (September 2004), 3–7.
September 1, 2004

Compromise Would Satisfy All in Faith-Based Debate

Atlanta Journal-Constitution (February 11, 2004), A19.
February 11, 2004

In Judaism, Playing God is Good 

Voices Across Boundaries: A Multifaith Review of Current Affairs
January 1, 2004

Solomon, He Ain’t

National Law Journal, A17. (co-author: Yitzchok Adlerstein)
February 3, 2003

Review of Jewish Law (Mishpat Ivri): Cases and Materials

AJS Review, 26:1 (2002), 131–3. (co-author: Angela Riccetti).
January 1, 2002

The Diagnosis of Brain Death

The New England Journal of Medicine 345 (August 23, 2001), 616–8.
August 23, 2001

Jewish Law Understands and Permits Retaliation by Shaq

The Los Angeles Daily Journal (January 30, 2001). (co-author: Yitzchok Adlerstein).
January 30, 2001

Celebrating Secular Holidays

Emunah Magazine (Fall 2000), 28–32.
September 1, 2000

Cloning People

ewish Spectator (Spring 1999)
April 1, 1999

The Cloning Controversy

Emunah Magazine (Spring/Summer 1998), 14–7.
June 1, 1998

I Have No Benefit from the Decree of the Sages

Newsletter of the Jewish Law Association 9 (1993), 4–7.
January 1, 1998

Letter to the Editor: Modesty

Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 31 (1996), 123–6.
January 1, 1996

Letter to the Editor: Israeli Citrons

In Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 27 (1994), 120–2.
January 1, 1994

Some Preliminary Issues Concerning Noahide Laws

Newsletter of the Jewish Law Association 10 (1994), 5–7.
January 1, 1994

Letter to the Editor: Insurance Risks

In Nature: A Journal of Scientific Inquiry
August 19, 1993

Letter to the Editor: Nature and Television

Nature: A Journal of Scientific Inquiry
August 14, 1993

Letter to the Editor: Joking Apart

Nature: A Journal of Scientific Inquiry
July 29, 1993

Review of “Between Civil and Religious Law: The Plight of the Agunah in American Society by Irving Breitowitz”

AALS Jewish Law Section Newsletter (May 1993), 2–4.
May 1, 1993

Letter to the Editor: Halakhic Pluralism

Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 27:3 (Spring 1993), 108–10.
April 1, 1993

Conditional Conversions? A Review

Newsletter of the Jewish Law Association 8 (1993), 3–6.
January 1, 1993

Shmittah 5754: A Rejoinder

Derech Tehilla 12:2 (1993), 1.
January 1, 1993

The Unfounded Fears of General Harkabi: Religion and the State of Israel

Midstream Magazine 37 (1990), 10–8. (co-author: Emmanuel Rackman).
January 1, 1990