Academic Articles


Adoption, Personal Status and Jewish Law,The Oxford Handbook of Religious Perspectives on Reproductive Ethics, 221-238 (2024)

September 9, 2024

ברכת כהנים על ידי כהן שחי באיסור עם בן זוג, Techimin 44: pages 499-505 (2024)

July 15, 2024

June 23, 2024

The Worst Choice For School Choice: Tuition Tax Credits Are A Bad Idea And Direct Funding Is Wiser, Columbia Journal of Tax Law 15:77-129 (2024)

May 2, 2024

Pressures Faced by Poskim, Conversations 43:91-113 (2024)

May 2, 2024

Pressures Faced by Poskim, Conversations 43:91-113 (2024)

April 25, 2024

Learning Law in Elementary and High School: Innovating Civics Education for a More Empowered Citizenry”19 NW. J. L. & SOC. POL’Y. 264 (2024).

April 18, 2024

Contract Law Should be Faith Neutral: Reverse entanglement would be stranglement for religious arbitration

New York University Annual Survey of American Law 2023 79 N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. 17-88 (2023)
August 24, 2023

Learning Law Young: Towards a More Robust, Impactful Civics Education Modeled Off of Jewish Law

Journal of Law and Education, 52:1-45 (2023).  
January 1, 2023

Religious Values of Secular Charted Institutions

Religiously Motived and Religion Based Discrimination: Prohibition, Religulation and Exemption, Conference at Bar Ilan University
January 11, 2022

The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, in The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourse, Volume II, edited by Geroges Tamar (2022, De Gruyter) pages 19-70.
January 1, 2022

Religious Values in Secular Institutions? Yeshiva University and the Future of Religiously Affiliated (but Secularly Chartered)

Higher Education in America, Journal of Law, Religion and State 10 (2022) 53–85.
January 1, 2022

Cases Presented in Rabbinical Court

NISHMAT (נשמת) The Jeanie Schottenstein Center For Advanced Torah Study For Women
December 9, 2021

May One Converted Younger than Three Marry a Kohein

Yeshivat Migdal Hatorah
December 7, 2021

Religious Arbitration in America

Pepperdine Caruso Law School
November 1, 2021

Rabbi Yeheil Michel Epstein and his Arukh Hashulchan

Oxford Bibliographies, September 22, 2021
September 22, 2021

Human Rights in Judaism With a Focus on Religious Freedom, Forthcoming in Georges Tamer and Katja Thörner (eds.)

The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, Key Concepts in Interreligious Discourses 2, (Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2021).
January 1, 2021

The Effectiveness of (Rabbinic) Prenuptial Agreements in Preventing Marital Captivity

International Journal of Constitutional Law (I*CON, NYU Law and Oxford Press) International Journal of Constitutional Law, Volume 18, Issue 3, October 2020, Pages 944–964. published 02 January 2021
January 1, 2020

The Behavior of Jewish Judges: A Theoretical Study of Religious Decision-making

Published in: Bekhol Derakhekha Daehu: Journal of Torah and Scholarship 33 (2018), 63–81.
January 1, 2018

Playground Resurfacing and Religious Arbitration are Very Similar Activities: Trinity Lutheran Church as Applied to Religious Arbitration

Published in: Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion 18 (2017), 298–330.
January 1, 2017

Jewish Ethics in Torah Reading: Balancing Hatred, Ways of Peace, Holiness, Communal Dignity, and the Obligation to Read Torah on Shabbat when Five Israelite Men are not Present

Published in: Hakira: Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought 23 (2017), 181–96. (co-author: Akiva R. Berger).
January 1, 2017


Published in: Journal of Law and Religion 32:1 (2017).
January 1, 2017

Multicultural ADR and Family Law: A Brief Introduction to the Complexities of Religious Arbitration

Published in: Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution 17 (2016), 793–823.
August 24, 2016

Freedom of Disassociation and Religious Communities: A Jewish Model for Associational Rights

Published in: Journal of Human Rights 10:2 (Fall 2015 – Winter 2016), 67–104.
December 1, 2015


Published in: Journal of Law and Religion 30:2 (2015), 173–5.
August 24, 2015

Faith-Based Private Arbitration as a Model for Preserving Rights and Values in a Pluralistic Society

Published in: Chicago-Kent Law Review 90 (2015), 111–40.
August 24, 2015

Plonit v. Ploni: The Get from the Man in a Permanent Vegetative State

Published in: Hakirah: The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought 18 (2014), 59–90.
August 24, 2014

The Pillars of Successful Religious Arbitration: Models for American Islamic Arbitration based on the Beth Din of America and Muslim Arbitration Tribunal Experience

Published in: Harvard Journal of Racial and Ethnic Justice 30 (2014), 33–76. (co-authors Ira Bedzow & Shlomo Pill).
August 24, 2014

Happiness—and Unhappiness—as Legally Significant Categories in Jewish Law

Published in: Journal of Law and Religion 29:1 (2014), 48–56.
August 24, 2014

Understanding Rights in Context: Freedom of Contract or Freedom from Contract?

Published in: Journal of the Beth Din of America 1 (Spring 2012), 48–65. (co-author: Steven S. Weiner) [Another version of this article has also been accepted for publication in Jewish Law Association Studies XXV – the Netanya Conference Volume, Yuval Sinai ed. (2013), 11–27].
August 24, 2013

Does Maimonides Require Acceptance of Commandments for Conversion?

Published in: Meorot: A Forum of Modern Orthodox Discovery 9 (Tishrei 5772 (September 2011)), 1–18. (co-author: Joshua E. Broyde).
September 24, 2012

Jewish Law Courts in America: Lessons Offered to Sharia Courts by the Beth Din of America

Published in: New York Law School Law Review 57 (2012–2013), 287–312.
August 24, 2012

Custom as a Source of Jewish Law

Published in: Emory Law Journal 61 (spec. ed., 2012), 1037–46.
August 24, 2012

Some Thoughts on New York State Regulation of Jewish Marriage: Covenant, Contract or Statute?

Published in: Family in Law Review 5 (2012), 55–86.
August 24, 2012

The Codification of Jewish Law and an Introduction to the Jurisprudence of the Mishna Berura

Published in: Hamline Law Review 35 (2012) 623–54. (co-author: Ira Bedzow).
August 24, 2012

Orthodox Women Rabbis? Tentative Thoughts that Distinguish Between the Timely and the Timeless

Published in: Hakirah, the Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought 11 (2011), 25–58. (co-author: Shlomo M. Brody).
August 24, 2011

A Mathematical Analysis of the Structure of the Jewish Calendar: Perfection as the Enemy of the Very Good

Published in: The Commemorative Journal in Honor of the Hirhurim Musings Blog, New York (2010).
August 24, 2010

May a Convert be a Member of a Rabbinical Court for Conversion?

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 59 (2010), 61–78.
August 24, 2010

The Giving of Charity in Jewish Law: For What Purpose and Toward What Goal?

Published in: Towards a Renewed Ethic of Jewish Philanthropy, Yossi Prager, ed., from the 20th annual (2008) Orthodox Forum of Yeshiva University, Ktav (2010).
August 24, 2010

A Proposed Tripartite Agreement to Solve Some of the Agunah Problems: A Solution Without Any Motivation

Published in: Jewish Law Association Studies XX: The Manchester Conference Volume, Leib Moscovitz, ed. (2010).
August 24, 2010

Hair Covering and Jewish Law: A Response

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 43:2 (Winter 2010), 89–108.
February 24, 2010

May the Jewish Daughter of a Gentile Man Marry a Kohen?

Published in: The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 52 (2009), 97–126.
August 24, 2009

Entering a Sanctuary for Hatzalat Yisrael: An Exchange

Published in: Hakirah: The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought 8 (Summer 2009).
August 24, 2009

Review Essay: Transforming Identity: The Ritual Transition from Gentile to Jew

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 42:1 (Spring 2009), 84–103. (co-author: Shmuel Kadosh).
January 24, 2009

Hair Covering and Jewish Law: Biblical and Objective (Dat Moshe) or Rabbinic and Subjective (Dat Yehudit)?

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 42:3 (Fall 2009), 95–179.
January 24, 2009

Prisoner Exchanges, Redeeming Captives and Jewish Law

Published in: Chavrusa, Elul 5768 (September 2008).
September 24, 2008

The Hidden Influence of Jewish Law on the Common Law: One Lost Example

Published in: Emory Law Journal 57 (2008), 1403–8.
August 24, 2008

Ethics and Warfare Revisited: The Role of Secular Law in Halakhah-A Brief Response to Gerald Blidstein and a Note of Jewish Legal Theory

Published in: Meorot: A Forum of Modern Orthodox Discovery (formerly the Edah Journal), 6:2 (Marcheshvan 5768 [November 2007]), 6–11.
November 24, 2007

Military Ethics in Jewish Law

Published in: Jewish Law Association Studies XVI: The Boston 2004 Conference Volume (2007), 1–36.
August 24, 2007

גילוי שערה של אשה נשואה ​(Standards of Modesty in Family Law)

Published in: Tehumin 27 (2007), 248–65.
August 24, 2007

Only the Good Die Young?

Published in: Meorot: A Forum of Modern Orthodox Discovery (formerly the Edah Journal) 6:1 (Shevat 5767 [Jan. 2007], 1–6.
January 24, 2007

Is the Epitaph Acronym ע״ה  an Abbreviation of עבד השם or עליו השלום? Acronyms and Their Expansion in Jewish Law Texts

Published in: Hakirah: The Flatbush Journal of Jewish Law and Thought 3 (Summer 2006), 117–32.
August 24, 2006

May an Orthodox Yeshivah Day School or High School Provide Parsonage to Women Teaching Judaic Studies?

Published in: Ten Da'at: A Journal of Jewish Education 18 (2006), 7–16.
August 24, 2006

The Bounds of Wartime Military Conduct in Jewish Law: An Expansive Conception

Herbert Berman Memorial Lecture 2004, Monograph, Flushing, New York: Center for Jewish Studies, Queens College, City University of New York (2006).
August 24, 2006

Orthodox Yeshivas, Female Instructors, and the Parsonage Allowance

Published in: Taxation of Exempts 18:1 (July/August 2006), 44–8.
July 24, 2006

A Jewish Law View of World Law

Published in: Emory Law Journal 54 (spec. ed., 2005), 79–93.
August 24, 2005

Honesty and Analysis: A Reasoned Response to Passionate Critics

Published in: Edah Journal 5:1 (Summer 2005), 1–42.
August 24, 2005

Jewish Law and the Abandonment of Marriage: Diverse Models of Sexuality and Reproduction in the Jewish View, and the Return to Monogamy in the Modern Era 

Published in: Marriage Sex, and Family in Judaism, Michael J. Broyde, ed., Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield (2005).
August 24, 2005

Why Educate: A Jewish Law Perspective

Published in: Journal of Catholic Legal Studies 44 (2005), 179–94.
August 24, 2005

ערכה של הכתובה (The Value of the Ketubah in America)

Published in: Tehumin 25 (2005), 180–94. (co-author: Jonathan Reiss).
August 24, 2005

Review Essay: An Unsuccessful Defense of the Bet Din of Rabbi Emanuel Rackman: The Tears of the Oppressed

Published in: Edah Journal 4:2 (Winter 2005), 1–28.
February 24, 2005

Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Stem Cells and Jewish Law

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 38:1 (Spring 2004), 54–75.
August 24, 2004

Severance Pay and Jewish Law

Published in: Ten Da'at: A Journal of Jewish Education 16 (2004), 23–32.
August 24, 2004

Error in the Creation of Marriages in Modern Times under Jewish Law

Published in: Dinei Israel, Tel Aviv University Law School 22 (2003), 39–65.
August 24, 2003

Severance Pay and Jewish Law: An Opinion of the Beth Din of America

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 37:4 (Winter 2003), 89–100.
August 24, 2003

קידושי טעות בזמננו (Error in the Creation of Marriage)

Published in: Tehumin 22 (2003), 231–42.
August 24, 2003

Battlefield Ethics in the Jewish Tradition

Published in: 95th Annual Proceedings of the American Society for International Law (2002), 92–8.
August 24, 2002

Genetically Engineering People: A Jewish Analysis of Personhood

Published in: St. Thomas Law Review 13 (2002), 877–99.
August 24, 2002

Informing on Others to a Just Government: A Jewish Law View

Published in: The Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 41 (2002), 5–49.
August 24, 2002

דם ביצים בימינו (Technology and Change in Jewish Law)

Published in: Tehumin 21 (2002), 516-22.
August 24, 2002

רחיצה ביום טוב (Festival Law and Change in Jewish Law)

Published in: HaDarom 70 (2001), 12–28.
August 24, 2001

Religious and Social Ethical Perspective on International Law: the Middle East Peace Process

Published in: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting – American Society of International Law 95 (2001), 87–98. (co-authors: Drew Christiansen & Geoffrey R. Watson).
August 24, 2001

Cloning and the Noahide Legal Code

Published in: The Torah u-Madda Journal of Yeshiva University 9 (2001), 207-11.
August 24, 2001

Blood Spots in Eggs

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 40 (2000), 47–66.
August 24, 2000

Halachic [Jewish Law] Responses to Sociological and Technological Change

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 39 (2000), 95–125.
August 24, 2000

The Gentile and Returning Lost Property According to Jewish Law: A Theory of Reciprocity

Published in: Jewish Law Annual XIII (2000), 31–45. (co-author: Michael Hecht).
August 24, 2000

The Power and Purpose of Jewish Law

Published in: The Responsive Community: Rights and Responsibilities 10(2): 45–50 (Spring 2000).
May 24, 2000

Assisted Reproduction and Jewish Law

Monograph, Department of Judaic Studies, University of Cincinnati, (1999).
August 24, 1999

Child Custody in Jewish Law: A Conceptual Analysis

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 36 (1999), 21–45.
August 24, 1999

The Division of the Tribes on Gerizim and Eval: A Mathematical Solution on Terra Firma and a Geographical Explanation on Weak Ground

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 33:3 (Spring 1999), 46–53. (co-author: Steven Weiner).
May 24, 1999

Cloning People: A Jewish Law Analysis of the Issues

Published in: Connecticut Law Review 30:2 (1998), 503–35.
August 24, 1998

Impeachment and Accountability: The Case of the First Lady

Published in: Constitutional Commentary 15 (1998), 479–510. (co-author: Robert Schapiro).
August 24, 1998

Practicing Criminal Law: A Jewish Law Analysis of Being a Prosecutor or Defense Attorney

Published in: Fordham Law Review 66 (1998), 1141–59.
August 24, 1998

The Establishment of Maternity and Paternity in Jewish and American Law

Published in: National Jewish Law Review III (1998), 117–52.
August 24, 1998

חובתם של יהודים לעודד שבע מצוות בני נח (Jewish Law Obligation to Enforce Natural Law)

Published in: Dinei Israel, Tel Aviv University Law Review 19 (1998), 87–111.
August 24, 1998

Jewish Law and Modern Business Structures: The Corporate Paradigm

Published in: Wayne Law Review 43 (1997), 1685–818. (co-author: Steven H. Resnicoff).
August 24, 1997

The Obligation to Seek Observance of Noahide’s Laws by Gentiles: A Theoretical Review

Published in: Jewish Law Articles (1997).
August 24, 1997

The 1992 New York Get Law: An Exchange

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 31:3 (Spring 1997), 23–41.
May 24, 1997

Cloning People in Jewish Law: A Preliminary Analysis

 Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 34 (1997), 27–65.
August 24, 1996

Assisting in a Violation of Noachide Law

Published in: Jewish Law Association Studies VIII: The Jerusalem 1994 Conference Volume (1996), 11–20.
August 24, 1996

Shaving on the Intermediate Days of the Festivals

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 33 (1996), 71–94.
August 24, 1996

The Celebrating of Thanksgiving at the End of November: Secular or Religious Holiday?

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 30 (1995), 42–66. 
August 24, 1995

The Lawyer as Advice Giver in Jewish Law: An Explication of Ethics of the Sages 1:8

Published in: The Jewish Lawyer 10 (1995), 29–40.
August 24, 1995

The Return of Lost Property According to Jewish and Common Law: A Comparison

Published in: Journal of Law and Religion 12 (1995–1996), 225–54. (co-author: Michael Hecht).
August 24, 1995

The Use of Elevators and Escalators on Sabbath and Yom Tov

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 29 (1995), 60–89. (co-author Howard Jachter).
August 24, 1995

The 1992 New York Get [Jewish Divorce] Law

Published in: Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 29:4 (Summer 1995), 5–13.
August 24, 1995

Defilement of the Hands, Canonization of the Bible, and the Special Status of Esther, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs

Published in: Judaism: A Quarterly Journal of Jewish Life and Thought 44:1 (January 1995), 64–79.
January 24, 1995

פירות ארץ ישראל בחוץ לארץ: האם יש חובה להפריש תרומות ומעשרות (Tithing Fruit Exported from Israel)

Published in: Ohr Hamizrach 43:1–2 (Tishrei–Tevet 5755 [Fall 1994]), 21–35.
October 1, 1994

Child Custody in Jewish Law: A Pure Law Analysis

Published in: Jewish Law Association Studies VII: The Paris Conference (1994), 1–20.
August 24, 1994

Expediting Impeachment: Removing Article III Federal Judges After Criminal Conviction

Published in: Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 17 (1994), 157–222.
August 24, 1994

Fruits from the Holy Land in America: Is there an Obligation to Separate Teruma and Ma’aser?

August 24, 1994

Electrically Produced Fire or Light in Positive Commandments

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 25 (1993), 89–127. (co-author: Howard Jachter).
October 1, 1993

Communal Prayer and Women

Published in: Judaism 42:4 (September 1993), 387–94.
September 1, 1993

Bullets that Kill on the Rebound: Discrimination against Homosexuals and Orthodox Public Policy

Published in: Jewish Action 54:1 (Summer 5763 [1993]), 52, 74–8.
August 23, 1993

A Mathematical Analysis of the Role of the Tribes and the Role of the Levites on Grizim and Aval in Deuteronomy 27

Tradition: A Journal of Jewish Thought 27:1 (Fall 1992), 48–57. (co-author: Steven Weiner).
October 1, 1992

Modern Technology and Sabbath Observance: Some Observations

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 23 (1992), 63–100.
January 1, 1992

היתר מפורש בקרא (Explicitly Permitted in the Bible)

Published in: Beit Yitzchak 23 (1991), 303–8.
June 22, 1991

On the Assessment of Damages in Jewish Tort Law and its Application to Medical Malpractice

Published in: National Jewish Law Review V (1991), 93–114. (co-author: Channah Broyde).
May 22, 1991

The Use of Electricity on Shabbat and Yom Tov

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 21 (1991), 4–47. (co-author: Howard Jachter).
April 1, 1991

Tradition, Modesty and America: Married Women Covering Their Hair

Published in: Judaism. 40:1 (January 1991), 79–87.
January 1, 1991

Enabling a Jew to Sin: The Parameters

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 19 (1990) , 5–36. (co-author: David Hertzberg).
January 1, 1990

On the Practice of Law According to Jewish Law

Published in: Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society 20 (1990), 5–48.
January 1, 1990

חלוקת השבטים על הר גריזים והר איבל (The Division of the Tribes on Mt. Gerezim and Mt. Eval)

Published in: Rinat Yitzchak 1 (1989), 114–9. (co-author Shlomo Weiner).
August 22, 1989

אכילת בשר אחרי חלב (Eating Meat after Dairy Food)

Published in: Beit Yitzchak 21 (1989), 319–24.
January 1, 1989

הפרשת מעשר לכהן ולא ללוי (Tithing to a Priest, Rather Than to a Levite)

Published in: Beit Yitzchak 20 (1988), 45–50.
January 1, 1988